
 I translated (copied) everything from the H.M.I. Discord Server “#assets-for-john-chapter-1” to here so that everyone can see what was previously said in the ongoing discussion there, here.




I wrote my own personal commentary and I am seeking out 2 other commentaries as well. But a while back I taught my 2 daughters on John 1:4 and this was our view of it. It is a Biblical view as well tying into Scripture. Jesus being the light of men means we have no excuse NOT to be a “city on a hill” if we are truly saved.

Here is a commentary excerpt on John 1:4 by John Piper. I really like his perspective from a scientific view on “life giving rise to matter.”

My 3rd commentary is by Pastor Jon Beck. He emphasizes the transformative power of Jesus Christ and how our actions as Christians should always glorify God.





JESUS CHRIST: “Life” and “Light” – John 1: 4-5 – wisdomfromabove.net

JESUS CHRIST: “Life” and “Light” – John 1: 4-5

I really like how it was explained and broken down in the the first commentary I shared





Through him life was created, the life we have & know of on this earth (Colossians 1:6). The light of him shines into the darkness that dwells inside of us & heals us spiritually, reviving us from being spiritually dead & separated from God. (Ephesians 2:1). We are born into sin which separates us from God, which is why we have to be born again with Jesus as our life support (John 3:3). He came to restore everything & light up the world full of darkness to put humanity back on the path God intended for us in the beginning (John 12:46), mending our spiritual relationship with God which is the source of our life (2 Corinthians 5:18-19). We even see in the beginning (Genesis 1:2) before God brought order the world was a dark formless void of chaos but once God said let there be LIGHT order was inserted into our world. Causing the darkness & light to separate & Jesus’s coming on this earth is him bringing back order in the messed up world we live in now due to sin. Shining his glorious light onto the dark & wicked things that goes on within us & on earth as a whole.

I have actually been going over Genesis.

Also not only did he restore our spiritual relationship with God that causes us to be alive in the spirit but he also restored the eternal aspect of it. In the beginning we we’re supposed to live forever by the tree of life & in the presence of God. (Genesis 3:22) & he restored that by allowing the Holy Spirit to dwell within us so we can experience his presence anywhere & also he gives us eternal life with him in the end. (Romans 6:32, John 3:16, 1 John 5:12 )



Great studying ❤️



Thanks so much