I translated (copied) everything from the H.M.I. Discord Server “Brick-By-Brick” to here so that everyone can see what was previously said in the ongoing discussion there, here.
Question: Why is Jesus God?
Answer this question but only use the building blocks to prove the answer that you come up with. Again use “Only” the building blocks to prove your answer.
Jesus is God, according to the building blocks because as is stated in BB#2, the phrase “the Word was God” from John 1:1, attributes deity to the Word (Jesus Christ) without defining all of the Godhead as “the Word”. According to BB#3, from the ancient Greek Philosophical tradition, Heraclitus specifically, “Logos” was used in a sense as of the divine logic that gives order to the universe. BB#4 alludes to the fact that the Logos is the spoken word of God, and threby the words He speaks are part of Himself, thereby the Logos (God’s Word made flesh) is truly God in the flesh. BB#6 tells us that the manifold wisdom of God is made known to the principalities and powers in the heavenly places by the Church, according to the eternal purpose which He purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord. BB#8 states that we are in Christ Jesus Who has become to us wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption by God in His eternal purpose and by His loving kindness and goodness. BB#9 shows us that the Logos is God’s power, intelligence, and will in the expression of His Son Jesus Christ. And BB#10, says that the Bible, more specifically the four Gospel’s, were written that we may believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and that by believing on/in Him, we might have life in His name; And since “life” (zoe life) can come only from God, and this BB states that we have life in His name, then the conclusion of the whole matter is that if we have life in His name, then He must be God.
Jesus is God because in building block #4 it states “And God said,
‘Let there be light'” (Gen. 1:3). God expresses himself as commanding, calling, and creating”
Jesus is the light to the world & the word that God speaking to a void to bring life.
God expressing himself is Jesus being the word that creates life & later on becomes flesh. #shania
Father created an entire world where His Word would Reign Supreme. Where His Word would be what creates gives Life. Builds up and tears down. Create Mountains. Raise dead bones. Flood the Earth. Calm the storms at sea. The design. To see the Designer look at the design!!! We think more than we say. And yet what we say is a result of what we think. The simplicity of the design. Words. Two ears to hear them. Two eyes to see the results of them, but only one mouth to speak them. Jesus is the very thoughts of Father. This is why He is God. Think of your thoughts. That’s what they are until you speak them. When they exit your mouth they enter this realm this world and are governed by certain rules that Father designed. They were made to be heard. They were made to be seen!!! Your thoughts are yours. Just like God Almighty has His own thoughts. His thoughts are a whole. His thoughts are One Word. No division no separation. No uncertainty No doubts. To speak is to reveal what’s inside of you. Otherwise why speak if not for this specific reason. You know what you think. To speak it means you want to reveal to someone else those very thoughts that are only known and only heard and only seen within you. Father did the very same thing. He spoke to Reveal. If He didn’t want us to know then why speak it. Father always has a purpose for speaking. Remember that His Word won’t return to Him void. It will prosper and accomplish. That’s why He spoke in the first place. Always to reveal. You definitely realize it when you get mad. You have heard the saying
This is exactly what Father gave us. His name is Jesus. He is what Father is because He is what Fathers thinks.
Son of God (Christ)is called the word to reveal God mindset. God spoke his word to existence and the final word in his living word is Jesus (Logos) is in the beginning was the word Jesus also mean word, account explanation, or thing the philosopher Heraclitus 535-473 B.C used. Logos is the Divine logic that gives order to the universe. Genesis Logos is the one by whom all things are made. Also, Logos is the attain harmony with God and his creation. In the beginning echoes in the beginning, God created heavens and earth. God expresses himself commanding, calling, creating, and expressing the word is God.. A God who does not speak is no God at all. The light created in Genesis isn’t the light (cosmic light),but the light of the word Christ (spiritual illumination) for the dark mind of humankind, releasing eternal life to to those who will believe in Christ, that the wisdom of God might be known by the church. Also that Their hearts might be comforter being knit together in love, and until all riches and full assurance, understanding mysteries of God, the father, and of Christ is hidden all the treasure of wisdom and knowledge.
Ok so at its most basic level. I’m talking genuine bottom line. Everything that you see and hear. All of creation is the product of what???
Gods way of how he thinks and looks at stuff and speaks
Sum it all up in one word.
What would that one word be for the question I asked.
i gotta answer again?
There is a new question.
ok i see it
Ok so at its most basic level. I’m talking genuine bottom line. Everything that you see and hear. All of creation is the product of what???
Jesus is the Word.
Gods way of how he thinks and looks at stuff and speaks… This was Vanessa answer. It’s is the closest to what the answer is somebody
And give me the one word answer to the question I asked. Everything you see and hear all of creation is a product of what???
Deleted User:
Everything you see and hear of all creation is a product of God’s word who became flesh: Jesus. God’s word created everything from nothing and non existence. We and everything we see in creation are all a product of God’s word. This evening I will add a second response using the building blocks.
Jesus is God because he is God’s word.
John 1:1
Deleted User:
From BB #9 Jesus is God because he is a full expression of God’s thought (Logos) which became his word. His word exhibits the very essence of who he is as the source of life and being. Through Jesus we are able to know the thoughts and feelings of God towards mankind. “God’s word is his character in expression.” By God’s word (Jesus) we are able to know him. Jesus is more than just a human like we are, because the very essence of his core nature is divine. John 12:49 we read Jesus say “I did not speak of my own accord, but the Father who sent me commanded me what to say and how to say it”. Through the words of Jesus we understand that he is expressing and is an expression of the divine. Jesus is the very expression of God himself. Jesus is fully God and fully human (not just a mere human ). Therefore, from BB #9 helps me to understand that Jesus, as the Word of God, is divine. His nature is not merely human, but divine, as He is the very expression of God Himself. This understanding is central to our beliefs because it affirms that Jesus is both fully God and fully human.
So <@Deleted User> what is your One word that you would use. In one word what is all that we hear and see a product of. On its most basic or on its primary level. What you la that one word for you be Rosa Rose.
Deleted User:
Ref BB#3 Last Paragraph
Well all the answers are in
Oops hold on. We waiting on Michelle to catch up
Here with my answer. I was late to the party, sorry.
Why is Jesus God?
Jesus is a representative of the Father, just as He is the intercessor. As John 14:6 says: Jesus is the “way, the truth, and the life.” NO ONE comes to the Father except through Him. In the beginning was the Word, and Jesus is the Word. He was always there in the beginning and just as God is an uncreated being so too is Jesus. In Romans 1:20-21 it’s mentioned that from the time of creation there has been a Godhead. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Each are distinct persons that share a role in coming to know the Father. We know that the wisdom of God is Jesus. We come to the Father through Jesus because through Christ we learn of who God is, His character is revealed. His Word is beyond man’s understanding. (Isaiah 55:8-9) This divine knowledge is unlocked and understood by the Holy Spirit in us. He guides us to know and discern. Colossians 2:2-3 reveals that the Godhead is indeed 3 in 1. So the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are all “holding treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” This is more evidence of them being one in the same. This WISDOM is made “manifest” by the Holy Spirit. Scripture interprets Scripture and Jesus is revealed to be God because the Godhead is proved to be true.
I don’t accuse anyone of anything. Unless I am accusing you of something and that is not the case right now. I am encouraging and admonishing each of you both at the same time to take what we do here with the utmost seriousness and consider what is being brought for and the why of it. To any who think this is trivial stuff that we are doing then that just proves that there is much you dont understand and just dont see yet. Thats why we are here so believe BIG with me. Father has us here for a purpose so stop thinking otherwise if you are. And if you do believe this then make sure that your efforts and match this belief. What you do when you are not seen is just as important as what others witness. So your thoughts concerning HMI and how you show that won’t stay hidden for long if they are not the same. We wont to see change happen so we have to be the change. Do you really think that those are just fancy Christian -like words that I am speaking to you? When I say we are being prepared to be used by Father for whatever He would have us to do. Do you really think that I am just talking? Or, when I tell you without a doubt in my mind that Jesus is here with us do you just say I know with your mouth and yet it never really reaches your heart??? What do you really think about things? This will affect what you are able to see and to understand. Dont just think of this as just something that you are doing. It has to be so much more than that. You have to hunger and thirst for the things that we discuss to understand how they all connect otherwise you stop yourself from seeing whats right in front of your eyes. You stop Jesus from showing you because you don’t really care. You do enough to say you do it but when is the time sacrificed from doing other things to really think about the stuff that is brought here. To really meditate on it and AskJesus. See only you know the answer to questions like these. How impiortant is what we do here. Do you invest your time in learning and really trying to understand the concepts brought before you. Is life so busy for you that you can make any real time for HMI and just treat as something that you do when you feel like it but its not a priority for you at all. So what are yo doing in life each day that is so much more important that walking here with us. Look around at your day consider things that you do and then ask yourself would Jesus be please with how you handle your obligation and commitment and your responsibiltiy to HMI and all that you put your word on to do. Would He be pleased??? Look at you days??? Are you really that busy. What about the TV shows you watching. What about the social media you scrolling. The video games you playing. Do them and enjoy then but dont sacrifice the work we have to do here at HMI in order to do them. Unwind and relax but dont let HMI always fall in the last place in your thoughts and in your day or be left totally undone until you feel like it. And then reply that you are too busy. Each of you must answer the question of how important HMI really is to you. I will know your answer without you even speaking a word. I”m always watching actions. You said you would walk to miles with me. Do you really think those asre just words??? What about the weight associated with those words. The actions that must accompany them. I told you that this would require much of you and gave all the option to not be here. You are here now so give it your all. Lets grow together and see just what Father will show to us and do in us.
He Must Increase!!!